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Monday, December 13, 2010

Potato and Onion Frittata

I was invited to a birthday party on Sunday and I hadn’t done any shopping for a dish I was to prepare so I had to wing it at the last minute. I made a frittata of potatoes and onion instead of a tortilla de patatas. The Italian version of this dish is much easier to make although I think the end result is much better if you follow the instructions in Spanish. I looked around on youtube for a bit of instruction on how to make a frittata. After watching a few Italian grandmothers in Italian I found a video by Mario Batali and I have to say that my end result looks a lot better than his.

As you can see from the photo I used my ginormous clay baking dish which you can use on top of the stove or in the oven. I am a little short on non-stick skillets these days which is why I didn’t want to make a Spanish tortilla. I intended to make my frittata in a frying pan but, as usual, I was making way too much food. For this dish I used 12 eggs. Any chance I get to cook for a lot of people I jump on it with both feet.

Frittata of Potato and Onion

12 eggs
1.5 kilos potatoes
3 onions
I cup Greek yogurt
200 grams Mozzarella cheese
200 grams ricotta cheese
Olive oil, salt

I chopped the potatoes (unpeeled) and parboiled them first (something I would never do with a tortilla). I drained them and threw them in the clay dish on the stove top along with the diced onion and olive oil and some butter. When this was thoroughly cooked I added the beaten eggs which were mixed with the cheese and yogurt. On a very low flame I cooked the mix stir just a bit. After the eggs begin to set you stop stirring except maybe a bit around the edges. When the bottom of the eggs has set you transfer the dish to a preheated oven and cook for a couple of minutes. You don't want it to brown. The color of this dish in the picture is perfect and means that you didn't burn it. 

This dish was lighter and fluffier than a tortilla but the potatoes weren't nearly as flavorful as in the Spanish version. It was a lot easier to make, as I mentioned. I served this montadito style which is little squares of the frittata mounted (montadito) on a slice of baguette (very Spanish). 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good. I do mine differently - completely in the oven and I pan fry my potatoes first so they have a nice crust on them (sogs in the egg ix but the flavour remains)


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