is a list of adjectives (and their definitions) that would never be used to
describe me:
- sparing or moderate in eating and drinking.
Emaciated - abnormal thinness caused by disease or lack of nutrition.
Moderate - keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive.
Sensible - having, using, or showing good sense or sound judgment.
Profound - having deep insight or understanding.
Emaciated - abnormal thinness caused by disease or lack of nutrition.
Moderate - keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive.
Sensible - having, using, or showing good sense or sound judgment.
Profound - having deep insight or understanding.
Un momento de la auto-reflexión
Aquí está una lista de adjetivos (y sus definiciones) que nunca serían utilizados para describirme:
Abstemio - ahorrador o moderado en el comer y el beber.
Demacrado - delgadez anormal causada por la enfermedad o la falta de nutrición.
Moderado - el mantenimiento dentro de límites razonables o adecuadas; no extremo, excesivo.
Prudente - tener, usar o mostrar buen sentido o juicio.
Profundo - tener una visión o comprensión profunda.
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