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Saturday, October 05, 2013

What's in Your Book Bag?

I doubt that the women of Sex and the City are as particular about their purses as I am about the specifics of my book bag. I prefer a single strap bike messenger bag that used to be in vogue over ten years ago.  Evidently that fashion died a quick death and manufacturers abandoned the style for the next cool thing, leaving me without a decent bag for my daily essentials. I’ve been searching high and low, both in stores and on the internet for something to replace the old Gap® bag I brought to Spain and that disintegrated several years ago.

Yesterday I was sitting on the terrace of my favorite café when I spied a bag in the small computer repair shop next door. It looked perfect.  I was resolved to pay no more than 70€ for it in spite of my desperation. It turned out to be only 21€ and it was just about perfect. It has a slot for a phone and my wallet, a pouch for my netbook, and plenty of pockets inside for everything else. So what do I have in my new bag?

Of course, the most important thing in a book bag is the book, or books. I am currently reading El Señor Llega, the first in the trilogy called Los Gozos y las Sombras by Gonzalo Lorrente Ballester. This is widely considered to be one of the jewels of 20th century Spanish fiction and only days after having the book recommended to me I found a used copy. I’ll write more about the book when I’m finished.

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