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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Blonds Have More Funny

How do you know if you have a blond secretary?
There is White-out® on the computer screen.

That joke is not only completely devoid of humor; it is also incredibly demeaning on many levels. Why is this sort of hurtful and vulgar humor still tolerated in this country? Why do we still allow people to make incredibly insensitive jokes about blond women? The same people who wouldn’t dream of tolerating a racial joke will laugh their guts out at virulent anti-blond wise cracks. Blonds seem to be the last group for which we allow unfavorable stereotypes to persist.

Why do blonds have a few more brain cells than horses?
So they don’t shit in the parade.

How would that make you feel if your little eight year old daughter—a blond—was going to twirl a baton in a big parade down main street this Saturday? Do you think that joke would raise her self-esteem because she would see herself as vaguely superior to horses because there aren’t guys with shovels walking behind the baton twirlers? No, I think she’ll be crying in her room for the next two days. Go right up there and let her know that if she shits in the parade it won’t be the end of the world. Stage fright often takes the form of incontinence. Let her know that her “little problem” is no “big deal.”

What did the blond say after sex?
“I’m just a big dumb whore.”

That last one isn’t a real joke; I just made it up. Not bad, eh? You heard it here first. I suppose that you could use that response as the punch line for all blond jokes. Not that I would, because blond jokes are demeaning.

Why can’t we stop this onslaught of vulgar humor directed at our nation’s blond women, natural or otherwise—mostly otherwise? From now on all jokes should be about Michael Jackson. I think that MJ is ridiculous enough to be the butt of all of our jokes. If we could just talk him into dyeing his hair blond we wouldn’t have to throw all of these perfectly good blond jokes on the scrap heap.

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