3) Meatloaf
Meatloaf can be crap and it can be sublime—we’ll try to shoot for the latter. One problem when looking for a great recipe is that there is a big, fat sweaty guy called Meatloaf who comes up whenever you do a search on Google or Youtube. Why did his mother have to call him Meatloaf? I hope he didn’t get that way by eating meatloaf. If he did he must have ate a lot of it. I’m not proposing that people eat meatloaf every night but it should be in your kitchen’s rotation of favorite dishes. If it isn’t then you aren’t making it right. This series is really difficult to write when I am hungry and right now I sure could go for a cold, meatloaf sandwich with potato salad. If I had the ingredients for it I’d make it right now.
I’m not going to bother with a recipe for this one. There are lots of good ones out there. I chose this one because it is fairly simple yet had a couple of interesting touches.
My humble addition to the meatload legacy (I misspelled meatloaf but I like "meatload" better in describing what I made).