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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Too Close for Comfort?

Is there a clinical name for fear of running out of coffee filters? I usually buy my filters in a supermarket chain here in Valencia called Mercadona but the other big chain, Consum, is downstairs in my building. I had thought about buying more filters the last 2-3 times I was shopping at Mercadona but forgot. I was beginning to feel very uneasy about the possibility of waking up one morning without a coffee filter. It was time for drastic measures which meant looking for filters in the supermarket in my building. If I had to pay an extra 20 cents or so then so be it. Can you put a price on piece of mind?

I looked around for filters the other day downstairs in Consum but I couldn’t find them, even after asking two people who worked there (I think they worked there). On my next trip to Consum I found them, not in the coffee section but in another area (why wouldn’t they be with the rest of the coffee products?). When I got home and put them away in my big cupboard I saw that I already had a back-up box of 100 filters. After a quick calculation I estimate that I don’t need to panic again for another 7 months or so.

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