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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Valencia: Best Place to Live

Outside Magazine recently published “The 16 Best Places to Live in America: 2015” which gives praise to hipster communities across the country where biking, skiing, kayaking, and other outdoor sports consume the free-time and extra income of locals. I would wager that all of these towns vote heavily Democrat and the overall mindset is liberal rather than conservative. Valencia, not being part of America, doesn’t qualify for the list but I thought I would scribble a little blurb in my city’s favor.

Valencia is a mix of big city sophistication (pop. 800,000), 2,000 years of history, and a cozy beach town where you can escape to the country on a bike in a couple of kilometers. My flat has neither central heat nor air yet I’m comfortable with the windows wide open from March until late November. Great public transportation in the form of underground metro, buses, and a bike-share program as well as rail connections to the rest of Spain that are second to none. Very affordable and the best part is that Valencia is in Spain!