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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Health, Psychological, and Moral Threats Posed by Facebook Usage

In addition to the time people waste on Facebook, this titan of social media also presents other threats to individual users.

-Devastating for people with allergies to cat videos

-Selfie over-dosing

-Violates several commandments including:

Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s vacation

Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s meal he had on vacation which he took a picture of on Instagram®

-Criminally insulting one's intelligence via facile political slogans attached to stupid photos

-Pictures of other people’s cool dogs forces you to ask serious questions about the validity of your dog-less existence

-Pictures of other people’s beautiful kids forces you to ask serious questions about the validity of your dog-less existence

-Because of over-saturation on Facebook, the priceless gag of a dad getting hit in the nuts with a ball thrown by a child (or vice-versa) is starting to lose a bit of its appeal

- Realization that even if the photo were taken from a satellite I'd still look fat

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