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Thursday, June 09, 2016

Fitness Program Update Day 13

Old pic: I'm trimmer and it's warmer

So far things are going well on the new Primal Endurance program. I’m highly motivated which is the most important thing although I never lack motivation when it comes to my workouts.

On Day 12 I was exhausted after my ride, even after a nap. This isn’t all that unusual in my normal routine and in this case I just think it was from not sleeping enough. I slept well last night and today I had 1:45 hour ride and I feel great afterwards. I have slowly been losing weight but I can’t attribute that to the exercise regimen as I have almost completely eliminated carbohydrates from my diet which always does the trick as far as dropping pounds. I don’t think that I have converted my body into a “fat-burning machine” as the Primal Endurance program promises but I’ve just begun. I’m going to keep at my slow pace (180 HBM minus Age = aerobic max) for this period of time and I hope that I can stick to the diet.

I may have said this in the earlier post but I just feel great, like I want to ride every damn day. Yesterday was the only hiccup thus far while every other day I have had toms of energy. Even right after my rides I feel like I could do a lot more and I often do with my rides around Valencia with Valenbisi. I even went out Saturday for a brisk walk for 30 minutes. I hate walking as it is too slow for me and there was no way I could approach even my heart-rate max while walking. Even at the most brisk pace I was 10 HBM, or more, below my aerobic max.

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