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Tuesday, June 08, 2004

End of the Cold War Remembered

There is a game called Jenga in which you begin with a monolith of wooden blocks. Each person in turn removes one of the blocks until the structure tumbles. I am reminded of this game when I hear that Ronald Reagan ended communism. He didn’t end it. It was doomed from almost the beginning and perhaps only American anti-communism kept it going for so long. Cuba has persevered not in spite of our anti-Castro policies but because of them. Reagan simply removed the last block that sent the Soviet Union tumbling to its inevitable demise.

I would like to think that President Jimmy Carter dealt the Soviets a harsher blow than anything Reagan accomplished when Carter withdrew the American team from the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow. This was seen as a fairly unpopular move here in the USA. There was endless commentary on what our athletes sacrificed by sitting out these games. I would say that there was more press coverage then of the plight of the Olympic athletes than you hear now in the press about our soldiers fighting in Iraq. Our soldiers can’t make a tiny splash when they dive or get perfect tens on the balance beam; why should we revere infantrymen who only risk their lives to implement American policy?

Boycotting the 1980 games was a stunning blow to the Soviet Union. It robbed them of the publicity and prestige they so desperately needed at a time when their empire was rotting from without and within. They were taking it in the shorts as a result of their ill-fated invasion of Afghanistan and the boycott was another nail in their coffin, another brick out of their monolith. An economics professor who had spent a lot of time in the U.S.S.R. told my class back in 1977 that the Soviet Union was a third world nation and was hardly a worthy adversary for the richest nation on earth. We were made to fear communism for whatever reason politicians feel that fear is necessary to rule.

You can write your history of how communism was vanquished and I’ll write mine.

P.S. Even if we were to agree that Reagan ended communism, my question is this: What the fuck good did it do us? There was a span of about 45 minutes after the fall of the Berlin Wall when we talked about the “Peace Dividend” before Bush Sr. started waging war in the Middle East.
If you can't say something nice say it here.

No argument here. It does my heart good to see more cold water thrown on the pile of people experiencing their latest--and likely last--Reagasm. Now watch while they try to name absolutely everything after their doddering deity. It began years ago here in DC; now I expect the pox to spread nationwide.  


Jun 09 2004, 01:16 pm 

I sent your commentary to NPR. 
Farmer Ned 

Rock on, Farmer Ned. It's about time somebody takes the initiative to step in & act as Leftie's literary agent. 
Everyone knows Fonzie defeated the Commies. All he meant to do was rescue Richie, Ralph Malph, and Potsie from a KGB prison, but he figured while he was in the U.S.S.R. he might as well take care of the Kremlin too. Jeez...I thought everyone knew that.  
Carter? What a weak-ass fuck! You just don't get it, do you? So maybe skipping out on the 1980 Olympics mussed some commie hair; it was Reagan who put it in plain English: "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" What part of that don't you get? 
Type-A Hippie 

If Type-A is in the house I guess this means Rush Limbaugh isn't on the air today? Gosh, Mr. Type-A, when you put it so eloquently (profanity and frat boy cliches like "What part of that don't you get?) I guess I will change my mind along with my whole way of thinking and get on the Reagan hagiography bandwagon. 
Please pay no mind to the collective action of tens of millions of Americans over 44 years to combat Communism (like Leftie's Jenga metaphor); no, according to the Reagan revisionists, ole Grandpa Happy did it all himself. Plus, like a rock star, communism basically choked on its own vomit. I guess I "don't get" your happy myths and ideological fantasies. I certainly don't get anonymous dorks who spew out silly piffle like "Type-A Hippie" much like doofus high school kids covering their mouths and shouting "blow job" loudly during a pep rally.  

After the demise of communism in Eastern Europe there was an awkward period where there was no *real* enemy of the West. At least we have a new enemy now, so our governments can spend our tax dollars making aerospace companies rich. 
Ron Reagan is a jelly doughnut.  
 Farmer Ned 
Can I be a "frat-boy" and a "doofus" at the same time? No matter. You 'lefty-s' are apparently such sensitive organisms all it takes is mere disagreement for you to lapse into ad-hominem attacks. Isn't it about time liberals started to develop a sense of respect for a type of intelligence that differs from their own? Carter is "smarter" than Reagan. So what? You may disagree with the specifics of Reagan's plans all you like, but don't kid yourself that Carter could have accomplished half of what he did. His unique combination of personal charm, pragmatism and force of will earned the grudging respect of the Soviets, and it should have yours, too. 
Type-A Hippie

Tell me where in my essay I showed disrespect for Reagan. You called Carter a "weak-ass fuck," do you remember that? You can’t even write two successive comments without creating some major inconsistencies. Stop mouthing off Rush Limbaugh-speak boiler-plate criticisms of the Left and develop some original thoughts. 

I served under President's Reagan, Bush I and Clinton. Force of will? Bullshit! What about hard work in service of the nation? What about critical patriotism? Reagan WAS pragmatic enough to know that tax cuts in the early 80s had to be reversed, yes. What was the national debt after his 8 years of service? It seems to be that it was about $4.5 Trillion--3x that amount before his Presidency. In order to "balance" the budget one year, he moved our military pay day from the last day of the month in September, to the first day of the month in October (the next fiscal year). Again, pragmatic--but certainly economic slight of hand. So, my guess is that if I have not grudgingly accepted the “realities” of President Reagan’s charming character and pragmatic policies, then I am worse than the Soviet Commies, right? Nice oblique ad hominem attack, T-A-H! It’s only thorough the force of will that I can think of the Ronald Reagan’s presidency without vomiting. How long did it take for us to dig out from voodoo economics? I’d certainly rather be a “tax-and-spend liberal” than a “don’t-tax-and-spend” conservative. At least then the public would have something to show for the mounting debt. 
Farmer Ned

Kevin Philips commentary on NPR's Morning Edition was pretty fair to Reagan. But I got the sense that he was holding back a bit. We'll see what he has to say later, after all the pomp in DC.  Farmer Ned 

Listen to Tom Frank on NPR's Fresh Air today, 6/10/04. *Type-A-Hippie: Tom Frank was a young Republican by the way. Tom Frank wrote an article in Harper's last month--an essay (excerpt) from "What's The Matter With Kansas?" 
Farmer Ned

First sayeth Type-A Hippie: Carter? What a weak-ass fuck! You just don't get it, do you? So maybe skipping out on the 1980 Olympics mussed some commie hair; it was Reagan who put it in plain English: "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" What part of that don't you get? Then sayeth Type-A Hippie: You 'lefty-s' are apparently such sensitive organisms all it takes is mere disagreement for you to lapse into ad-hominem attacks. You BEGAN your argument with an ad hominem. How funny. This is the rhetorical style of cowardly bullies: call someone an asshole, and when they call you one back, cry about the fact they called you an asshole. I am sure you are, "Type-A Hippie," the paragon of strength, courage, and moral clarity--at least in your own mind. But you're probably some pasty-faced little shitheel who barely has the "moral courage" to pump your own gas. I am a sensitive organism, yesiree. All my life that's been my curse. Such a fragile little flower, little old me. Always the coward, so thin skinned, so afraid to face the slings and arrows of rational discourse. It is hard to take an anonymous shit-slinger seriously. Type-A doesn't even leave an e-mail address, nor a link to his (her?) weblog, which is probably filled with great words of wisdom about duty, honor, country, and all those other lofty attributes (he/she) embodies so magnificently. And when you think about it, that's pretty much what the neocons are all about. Words, not action. Gathering together all the neocons out there, you couldn't even field a boy scout troop that wouldn't shit on itself if left in the woods for a second, let alone field an army of bold and courageous souls ready to battle with the forces of evil. "Type-A Hippe": You fragile little organsim, leave an e-mail address or weblog link that belongs to you. Then lecture me about intestinal fortitude, you cowardly little dingleberry. 

One more thing: If you read my weblog, not only do I give my name, I pretty much tell the whole world the exact location where I live, and I even further tell where I hang out. In other words, you know where I am at. I am not such a 'sensitive organism" that hides behind anonymity. You want to come lecture me about courage and moral strength, I welcome you to do so to my face, little one. I've never met a neocon yet who had the guts to say to my face what they shout behind the thousands of miles of wires (via the Internet) or meter-thick concrete walls that separate us. I am not a violent person, but I welcome any gutless turd like this Type-A person to say these things to my face. I'll even buy you a beer and allow you five minutes of uninterrupted time to get it all out. And then I will buy you another beer; after all, nothing you can say to me would hurt me or piss me off. If it makes you feel better, however, I don't mind being your scratching post. When you are prepared to reveal enough about yourself to clearly indicate who you are, instead of hiding behind your cowardly anonymity, I will take to heart your condemnation of me as a "sensitive organism."

Since Jimmy Carter isn't part of this discussion, I don't believe I was making an ad-hominem attack. More of a profane interjection, I'd say. Unless one of you is J.C. posting under a pseudonym! (Skipping out on your Habitat for Humanity duties, Jimmy?) But, in all fairness, "weak-ass fuck" was language too harsh to begin a discussion with the sensitive souls here. FYI, Mat, I don't have my own 'blog. Sorry about that. And I should give out my email address so I can, what, receive verbal spam from the likes of you? No thanks. If I want to be called a "dingleberry" I know where to go, don't I?
Type-A Hippie 

See what I mean? I rest my case. Fly away, little sissy. 

Type-A-Pussie: Matt's a veteran. Leftbanker is. I am. We all served during The Cold War. We did more for you than Reagan ever did. But I'm sure your parents have you convinced that Reagan was a hero. He wasn't. Neither were we. Oh yeah, and Matt, Leftie and I are smarter than either you or Reagan. And for us, just knowing that is more valuable than you will ever know. Farmer Ned a/k/a Dave Pechman Denver, CO 
Farmer Ned 

You're a big stupid head. 

No, you are.
Type-A for Anonymous 

You got me there. Boy, do I ever feel stupid.

Type-A Anonymous 

Don't gloat, nobody likes a gloater. 

My bad. Sorry. 
Type-A Anonymous 

No problem. Anyone want to go to the pub for a beer? 
Your Gracious Host

I'm in. 
Farmer Ned

Type-A, spew that Reagan bile to the 240 Marines that died on his ill-fated attempt to stop the fighting in Lebanon. And that invasion of Granada, that really sent a strong message to the Russians as to our military strength. Least we forget Col. Ollie North. There was a patriot – and convicted felon. Swapping weapons for coke with the Contras was great foreign policy. The citizens of California still don’t recognize Reagan’s governorship after he gutted the best public school system in the nation. I guess we’re still waiting for the private sector to step up and fill in that academic shortfall. I’ll never lived down the fact that I voted for him the first time. 
Wow, I step out to do some yard work and I miss even more name-calling. Flame on, guys! I guess I'm just not smart enough, or tough enough, or veteran enough to hang around with this little daisy-chain of friends. Leftbanker, as I said before you're a pretty good writer, that's why I read you. But you've got to outgrow this little support group of yours, and I think you know what I mean. 
Type-A Hippie 

Yeah Leftie, that's what I keep telling you at the AA meetings, you are way too dependent on this support group. Ronald Regan was the second worst president of the last 50 years (can you guess the worst).

Martin Sheen? 
The Management

Hey, "The West Wing" is a guilty pleasure! Quick-witted, smart people who can think on their feet and great dialogue. I can only imagine the clicks and grunts that pass for conversation in the Bush White House....
kevin m.

Well, you know, Martin Sheen also kinda "played" the President in The Dead Zone in one of Johnnie's premonitions. And, hooooo-doggies was he evil! So Mr. Sheen gets my vote as the 2nd worst President. 

The truth: Citing make-believe Presidents is not quite as insipid as giving real ones make-believe credit for their make-believe accomplishments, as we are learning this week on the Reagan hagiography orgyfest. But I think America loves its mythology. We love our fairy tales as long as we get to be the hero at the end, even when we've erred horribly or done great harm. It is easier to wax mythologically than to be self-critical and honest. It is easier to lie to ourselves than to stand up and take blame for our stupidity, ineptitude, and incompetence. If we are truly the leader of the free world, then we need to hold ourselves to a much higher standard than we do when we perpetuate these silly myths, lies, half-truths, and fairy tales. Reagan was a horrible, bumbling, half-witted President who surrounded himself with some nefarious courtiers (Meese, Deavers, Poindexter, McFarlane, North, et al.). They preached America and democracy but then did everything in their power to piss on the American Constitution and its democratic principles. They had no respect for the law when the law was antithetical to their narrow set of false values. Reagan no more won the Cold War than FDR won WW II or Lincoln won the Civil War; wars are won by common men and women, by private citizens who put down their plows and pick up the rifle to defend America. This concept may be too difficult to explain to a generation that loves its mythology, and further loves to preach patriotism and democracy yet doesn't have the guts or will to get dirty and actually serve those causes with anything more than empty words and a raised fist. Let's not forget this SIMPLE fact about the Reagan Administration, all ye hagiographers: they broke the law and most were convicted of doing so. That they fell on their swords to protect the old man doesn't absolve the bastard from blame or guilt. So go ahead and immerse yourself in the myths and lies about Reagan being spewed out this week like fact. It only leads to more American cultural rot and further erodes the already greatly diminished ability of this Republic to remain democratic. 

Great Leftie Overlord . . . Founder of the Faith . . . Keeper of the Flame . . . C'mon everyone knows that good conservatives pay OTHER people to do their yard work. Trickle-down theory, you know. Let's see an essay repost regarding crab grass, Leftie. Your loyal Minion, Farmer Ned.
Farmer Ned

P.S. Reagan also cured acne. I heard it on liberal NPR. 

Bartlett is the Best President of all time. He has a nobel prize in Economics, plus he is really smart and stuff. Like remember when he ordered the assassination of Qumari Defense Minister Shareef, that was awsome! But when his daughter got kidnapped, that kinda sucked, I felt really bad for him Yes, I know I have lost all touch with reality, I like it better this way. 

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