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Sunday, December 05, 2021

Weaponizing Ignorance

The conservative strategy in recent years is to sow chaos, doubt, mistrust, and hatred of any opposing views or opinions. Republicans don’t seem to have any platform except to be in control at any cost. How else could you explain their opposition to any policy to control the Covid outbreak? They have proved willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives simply to show that President Biden is failing. To keep their core intact, the first needed to strip them of anything approaching critical thinking skills and also teach them to have a profound contempt for science.

 Republicans have encouraged their followers to put faith in the most insane conspiracy theories imaginable to steer them away from the truth without showing the slightest concern of how to put the genie back in the bottle. How can America return from this point in which almost half of the population have lost all sense of reason? 

 This story begins with Ronald Reagan’s inaugural address on January 20, 1981, when he uttered what would go on to be his most repeated aphorism: “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” He was referring to the economic ills the country was suffering at the time which were no worse than when he left office eight years later. He blamed the downturn on an unfair tax system and then promptly lowered taxes for the richest Americans who were already doing quite well, initiating America’s slide into an income inequality that is worse than any developed nation.*  

 His quip about how government was the problem would go on to fuel the American conservative movement for the next forty years which has sown a deep mistrust of not only our government, but of the very election system.

 I would be tempted to say that this contempt for our own democracy culminated in the riot at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, except this isn’t anywhere near being over. It’s ironic that Reagan began his inaugural speech with this bit:

 “To a few of us here today this is a solemn and most momentous occasion, and yet in the history of our nation it is a commonplace occurrence. The orderly transfer of authority as called for in the Constitution routinely takes place, as it has for almost two centuries, and few of us stop to think how unique we really are. In the eyes of many in the world, this every-4-year ceremony we accept as normal is nothing less than a miracle.”

 Trump was completely contemptuous of how “unique” we are by boycotting this orderly transfer of authority and siccing his mob on our elected officials ratifying the election. This time, the ignorant mob was unarmed, but as I said, this process is far from over. A lot happened to conservatives between Reagan’s call for a more privatized America and Trump’s insane and unhinged rejection of the 2020 election results. 

 Most of the Right’s emphasis has been cultivating a ground roots campaign to get their followers to believe any load of manure they shovel on them. A pedophile ring managed from a pizza parlor and led by Hillary Clinton? Why not? Covid vaccines are harmful so perhaps try injecting yourself with bleach? Sounds reasonable to most Trump lovers. Make America great again? OK, but when was that, exactly? Trump’s final “fuck you” to America was to scream that the election was rigged. Of course, there was no evidence of this, and election fraud is a topic Republicans have been harping on for years without a shred of evidence.

 Republicans have trained their followers to believe the most outrageous lies imaginable. Anything that they don't agree with the simply brand as "fake news" and give their alternate facts, as they call them. It seems that with each year and each new election cycle, the bullshit Republicans feed their base becomes viler and further from anything remotely resembling the truth. Conservatives have ignored almost all the scientific data we have obtained about combatting Covid, from wearing masks to vaccinations.


 *The United States’ Gini coefficient is .484, the highest it’s been in 50 years according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The U.S. has the highest Gini coefficient among the G7 nations. The top 1% of earners in the United States earn about 40 times more than the bottom 90% of earners. About 33 million U.S. workers earn less than $10 per hour, placing a family of four below the poverty line.

Friday, December 03, 2021

Anatomy of a School Shooting

 School shootings unfold the same way and go something like this: A mentally ill, socially inept male child has easy access to firearms. After a life spent watching appalling violence on TV, movies, and video games, an un-laid, hormonal time-bomb kid decides to take out his adolescent sexual frustration on his classmates.

 The horror goes like this: Bang, bang. OMG! Hugs. Prayer. Do fuck all to stop it. Repeat.

 Mass school shootings are becoming as much a part of American folklore as road trips, barbeques, Little League baseball, and Hallmark holidays.

 Every time one of these atrocities occurs, we have the exact same response. Someone will cry, “How many more times are we going to let this happen before we do something about it?”

 I always give the same answer. We are going to let it happen at least one more time because this time, for whatever reason, we have decided to do fuck all. Perhaps if a mass shooting had a death count of 200 or 300 victims, we would be compelled to do something, but even with this sort of carnage, I doubt we would have the political will to finally act to protect ourselves.

 I refuse to enter into the gun control debate with morons, because in the USA that is a total waste of breath. I live in a country where it’s very, very difficult to buy even a hunting rifle, and there are almost no gun deaths, so the gun-nut argument that it’s people who kill people and not guns is just horse shit.

Friday, November 05, 2021

The Coming Storm Brought to You by The Republican Party

 The Republican strategy since the time of Ronald Reagan has been to erode the people’s trust in their own government. You know, the one run by the representatives we elected. Reagan’s soundbite was that government wasn’t the solution, it’s the problem. Except government is often the solution to many problems. I just got back from a fifty-kilometer bike ride on wonderful bike trails built by…wait for it…the government. Who the fuck else is going to build bike trails?

Of course, Republicans probably never ride bikes, but it still takes a government to build the airports for their private jets.

If you beat it into people's skulls that the government is the problem, their expectations are reduced to zero and government isn't expected to do anything for them, which is exactly what Republicans have accomplished. Trump did absolutely nothing for the vast majority of the people who voted him into office in 2016. He did a hell of a lot for a handful of ultra-rich creeps who benefited from his tax cuts and his decimation of environmental laws that paved the wave for easier profits while doing incalculable damage to the planet we are all forced to share.

You have to wonder if Republicans even want the USA to be a democracy. They’ve hated voting and try to deny the people’s right to cast their ballots, and now they hate fair and free elections. Every effort was made to perform a fascist overthrow of the democratically-elected candidate, and an even bigger push is being made to erode Americans’ confidence in our election process. Of course, they have zero proof that there has been any voting fraud, but the Republican strategy relies on repeating and hair-brained lie enough times that their brain-dead faithful gobble it up and puke it back out again and again.

Fact: there has been no proof at all that the 2020 Presidential Election was fraudulent. None. Trump and his creepy cabal have been pushing this lie since election night, simply because Trump is too fucking stupid to realize that an election isn’t over until all the votes have been counted. From election day until Biden was sworn in as President, Trump didn’t bother to carry out any of his duties as President because he was so obsessed with over-turning Biden’s rather sizeable electoral victory. Trump is stupid, but even I thought that he was capable of simple math, and the math looked like this:

Biden   81,283,098 votes
Trump  74,222,958 votes

 Biden won 7,060,140 more votes than Ex-president Pussy-Grabber who received fewer votes in 2016 than his opponent.

 If the Republicans truly believe that the 2020 Election was rigged, the only recourse is civil war. I suggest a division of the country along the lines of India-Pakistan. The Republicans can have the Red States. Fine with me, I wouldn't live in any of them.

Finally, in Liz Cheney we have a Republican with the guts to stand up to the Trump fascists and speak her mind:

“We have an obligation that goes beyond partisanship,” Cheney said, “Democrats and Republicans together, to make sure that we understand every single piece of the facts about what happened [on 6 January] and to make sure that people who did it are held accountable.

“And to call it a false flag operation to spread those kinds of lies is really dangerous.”

Monday, October 18, 2021

Trump's Disgrace



All of the ''Trump Won'' morons out there need to move to Russia, a dictatorship where they would feel more at home.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Autumn Has Arrived

This fine weather comes just as I’m trying to reinvigorate my fitness regimen. Great timing! Perfect cycling days in a place where it’s always good for biking. I had a two-hour ride yesterday along the beaches to the south, a route I’ve been on literally a thousand times, not kidding. I never get bored of it. Never.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Right-Wing Radio Blow-Holes Not Immune to Irony


Tennessee right-wing talk radio host and Covid victim Phil Valentine

Dangerous transmissions: anti-vax radio shows reach millions in US while stars die of Covid

The Guardian reports on how prominent anti-vax radio hosts are dropping like flies from Covid. If you think making fun of idiot hicks is callous, you have to wonder how many of their listeners died following the anti-science filth these jackasses were peddling. It's this same completely anti-intellectual psychosis that is keeping America from addressing even bigger problems like climate change.

Tennessee Covid Cases Booming

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