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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Humor Highlight of Friend’s Visit with His Family

It’s almost time for the paella to hit the table where oldest child is tutoring youngest child on fractions or something which I'm not sure is even legal on vacation. Exasperated father who feels kids aren’t moving quickly enough to set the table shouts at youngest daughter, “Stop doing math!”

I’m pretty sure that was the first time those words were ever uttered by a parent to a child.

Every time I hear those three words in my head I laugh out loud which has been about 30 times so far. This may be the funniest thing that I've ever written and all I did was a bit of journalism.

P.S. As I watched this morning while the parents got three kids ready to head to the train station I couldn’t help but make comparisons between this feat of logistics and the Normandy Invasion

Momento más gracioso durante la visita de un amigo con su familia
Es casi la hora de comer y el hijo mayor enseña a la hija menor algo de fracciones, cosa que probablemente es ilegal en las vacaciones. El padre está exasperado porque los niños no se mueven lo suficientemente rápido como para poner la mesa y grita a su hija, “Deja de hacer las matemáticas!”

Estoy seguro de que fue la primera vez que esas palabras fueron pronunciadas por un padre a un niño.

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