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Saturday, April 06, 2013

Please Don't Call This Paella!

This is without a doubt the strangest Valencia-style rice dish that I have ever dreamed up. I love chicken livers so I thought I would give this a try. Don't blame this dish on Spanish cooking because I've never heard of anyone making anything even remotely similar. If I didn't think that it tasted great I would have never finished making the video.


  1. Actually, I think the average working class Valencian family has done lots of variations on paella. Or, there's a difference between "paella" (one of the classic recipies) and "un arroz (which is what I've had in the homes of friends.) In fact, I've had lots of different types of "arroces" when I've visited friends in Valencia, most of which depended on what leftovers mom had in the fridge. And the absolute most delicious arroz I've ever had in Spain was made by my friend Alberto's mom. It was garbanzos and chicken livers. It was amazingly delicious. And I had the worst hangover of my life. But I ate it anyway.

    So, don't smack yourself around about authentic. I once spent a week of my English class in Madrid asking my students how their families made Gazpacho and nobody had the same recipe, and at least half made a version with serious variations on the classic.Which we'll save for summer. ¡Hasta pronto!

  2. I have done a lot of research to make what I feel is the most traditional paella valenciana but if you travel only a few kilometers from the capital all bets are off. I do the same with many of the dishes that I prepare. I try to begin with what I find is the most traditional recipe more or less out of respect. However, a lot of what I cook is me just winging it with what I have on hand or what looks good in the market on any given day. The final word is how the dish tastes. You can’t eat tradition.

  3. For an easy and tasty paella I recommend this one http://www.tilda.com/public-recipes/quick-and-easy-paella-with-chicken-and-prawns

    1. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that this isn't spam but you can't make paella with Basmati rice, not in anyone's book.

  4. By the way, Leftbanker, do you read El Comidista? He's a food blogger with El Pais (that said, don't run out of the room screaming.) He is the most down to earth and funny food writer I've ever had the pleasure to read. He takes nothing but good food and good people seriously, and takes the piss out of himself more than of anyone. And also gives good recipies, advice, and laughs. http://blogs.elpais.com/el-comidista/

    1. I've never read him before but thanks for the tip.


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