My entire life now fits into four checked bags weighing 50 pounds each (exactly 50 lbs.), a carry-on bag, and another small shoulder pack. I have three laptop computers, a 300 gig external hard-drive, a digital camera, and a 20 gig iPod. I am bringing several dictionaries: Spanish, Spanish/English, French/English, Arabic/English, and Portuguese/English. A few books: a dual language Quran; my holy book, The Ancestor’s Tale by Richard Dawkins; and a few Spanish novels.
As I recite the list of my material possessions I realize how much stuff I still have after breaking down my apartment in Seattle a little over one month ago. As it turns out, the heavy cast iron skillet will have to wait until someone comes to visit and can Sherpa this over for me. It will be a huge relief to clear customs with all of this swag.
Although it is sunny and warm here in Chicago, I will be wearing a lot of clothes when I board my flight at O’Hare. A heavy shirt, a leather sport jacket, and a really heavy winter coat will weigh me down so that I can spare some extra weight in my checked baggage. This was a very complicated and technical packing job. I am leaving with everything I planned on taking. I have left behind a few boxes of books that I hope people will bring over for me. Tops among the books that I will miss is my very dog-eared Cambridge Complete Shakespeare.
By this time tomorrow I will be in a cab in Valencia, Spain looking for the apartment I have rented for the first couple of weeks. After dropping the bags off, the first stop will probably be for a café con leche. That will mark the starting point for my life in Spain. I hope to see you in Valencia.
Good luck, man. Looking forward to reading more of the usual smartass Leftbanker humor once you get settled.