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Thursday, June 01, 2006

Genesis: The Version According to Science

4 billion years of history. Posted by Picasa

My objection to supernatural beliefs is precisely that they miserably fail to do justice to the sublime grandeur of the real world.

The Ancestor’s Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution, Richard Dawkins

Of course I’ve read the Bible’s account of the beginning of the world. I grew up in a religious household—if you can call Catholics religious. As a child I was never able to accept the concept of heaven and hell, the eternal destination of our souls depending on our conduct during our brief stay on this planet. This tainted all of the other messages that my religion offered. My apostasy was complete sometime before I reached the second grade. Everything that I was forced to read in the Bible seemed pretty far-fetched to my skeptical grade school sensibilities, especially the weak explanation for the earth’s creation. At that time no one offered me any other account of the beginning of life on this planet, so I set aside my questions on the subject and went on to learn other things.

If taken literally, the Bible’s account of creation is ridiculous, and even if you take Genesis metaphorically it cannot even begin to compare to the wonder involved in the scientific explanation of the evolution of the lowly eubacteria—our oldest ancestor. As Dawkins asks, isn’t the true story of how the earth came to be more worthy of the imagination of thinking adults than the fairy tales offered by religion? Even taken to its metaphorical limits, the Bible denies mankind the faintest glimpse of how we came to be. The Ancestor’s Tale gives those who choose to read it a fairly commanding and satisfying view all the way back to the very beginning of life on earth.

I would say that I am about as far from religious as a person can possibly be. I read the Bible strictly for the purposes of attaining a degree of cultural literacy, certainly not for spiritual enlightenment. I’ve never found comfort in the book; I never found answers. It is ironic to think that, because I am a compulsive reader, I’m probably one of the few people to have ever read a passage or two in those Bibles left in hotel rooms. If only someone would leave copies of The Ancestor’s Tale for me to read during all of the down time I spend while traveling. As Dawkins explains, “It is not pride in my book but reverence for life that encourages me to say, if you want a justification for the latter, open the former anywhere, at random.” Open the Bible at random and, more often than not, you'll find gibberish. I have always felt that the only religion that man requires is the search for knowledge, this may be why Dawkins calls it a pilgrimage to the dawn of evolution—a truly spiritual quest.

The fact that we have such a remarkably clear picture of the last 4 billion years of life on our planet, and the fact that it has all been developed in the century and a half since Charles Darwin, is a testament to the boundless limits of the human brain when it is freed from the constraints of religious dogma. Of course, our current understanding of life on earth will undergo constant and possibly even radical change, but most of what we think we know today will hold up to further scientific scrutiny. Contrary to arguments put forth by adherents to a creationism, there are no “gaps” in the fossil record, and even without any fossils the evidence in favor of evolution is overwhelming. For your view of our past you can choose to stand on the sturdy foundation built by science or the rickety parables of religion.

1 comment:

  1. It was a great discussion last night. The curious nature of this article is that you have received no comments from anyone except this one. I think that we could have a great discussion on the differences between the terms religion, faith and the worst of all "blind faith"


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